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Tag: Thinking Atheist Podcast

Presentation of the Richard Dawkins Award to Steven Pinker


June 17, 2013 by
Posted by Atheist Alliance International:

Now I know this is a UK site, but I highly recommend this event over in the USA. I started going to atheist conventions is the USA back in 2009 (and I was present a the the magnificent Lawrence Krauss “Universe From Nothing” talk). I have made many good friendships with our fellow heathens “across the pond” who I remain in contact with to this day (and hope to see at this convention). It also reminds me of how important the work we are doing is. The problems that do occur in the US and other countries across the word solidify how marginalised and persecuted (yes I will use that word) some people are simply for not believing in the Sky Fairy.

It can also be the centrepiece of a great holiday!

So the Atheist Alliance of America present the “Shout Heard Around The World!” Convention in Boston over the US Labor Day weekend (30th August – 1st September 2013).

Highlights include:

Host Seth Andrews, (Host of the “Thinking Atheist Podacst”), the presentation of the Richard Dawkins Award to Steven Pinker, and keynote speaker Paula S. Aspell (senior executive producer of NOVA who commissioned the brillaint documentary on the Dover Trial) as keynote speaker.

I’m already booked up, hope to see you there!