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Secular Nation Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in submitting a piece for Secular Nation magazine!  We accept unsolicited submissions as well as answers to our queries. Your provision of a submission together with our acceptance constitutes an agreement that we will publish it within two issues or release you from the agreement, and that you will refrain from allowing publication elsewhere in any format for 30 days after we publish the piece. You additionally agree that we may republish the submission in other formats and for other purposes such as collections.

We strongly prefer previously unpublished original work. Previously published material will sometimes be considered if it appeared in a non-competing, low-circulation periodical, or a local or personal publication. (“Publication” for our purposes includes online.) We are also happy to consider excerpts from forthcoming or recently released books.

Compensation for all unsolicited work (except letters, which are uncompensated) will consist of a contributor’s copy of the print and electronic issue in which the work appears. This is also the normal recompense for solicited work; we are a non-profit and our contributors generally share our goal of furthering awareness and understanding of positive humanist atheism. On exceptional occasions we may offer some monetary compensation as well.

All submissions are subject to editing for length, content, and style. If the editing substantially changes the the work we may at our discretion pass it back to the author for review.

All submissions should be sent to for consideration, as a text document attachment, or in the body of the email – submissions should be single spaced with a blank line between paragraphs.

In the subject line, indicate the type of submission, and try to stay within our preferred sizes:

  • Letter: 100 to 400 words.
  • Article: 750-1500 words.
  • Fiction: 100-1500 words.
  • Poem: up to 300 words.
  • Photograph: Images must be 300 ppi at the desired print size.

Please include a 2-3 sentence biography and contact information (postal address, email, and optionally phone number) with your submission.