Organizational Memberships
Benefits of Becoming an Affilite or Associate Member of Atheist Alliance of America
Affiliate Member Benefits
Educational Benefits
- Consultation assistance with AAoA officers/board members/affiliates to solve concerns your organization may be having
- Consultation assistance regarding social media/facebook advocacy
- Membership in AAoA Facebook group/pages
- Opportunity to host workshops at AAoA’s conventions
- Opportunity to table at AAoA’s conventions
- Opportunity to nominate speakers to speak at our conventions
Advocacy / Community Building / Group promotion
- Free e-zine subscription to archived versions of Secular Nation magazine
- Promotion of group’s activities through AAoA’s social media / Facebook pages/groups and email lists
- You will be supporting AAoA’s national advocacy efforts
- Access to AAoA speakers, committee members, advisers, key contributors, and affiliates
- Participation in affiliate meetings
- You/your organization will be eligible to co-brand with the Atheist Alliance of America/ or come directly under the AAoA banner
- Eligibility to run a or participate in an AAoA department/committee
- Fundraising opportunities afforded to committees
- Eligibility to serve on Board of Committees
- Other
- Discounts for AAoA services and products (where applicable)
What AAoA Asks of Its Affiliates
- Link to us on affiliate’s website and/or social media
- Cross-share memes and social media/facebook posts
- Have AAoA’s literature available at meetings or tabling opportunities (if requested by AAoA)
- Share/promote AAoA’s events (eg. conference) to group’s members
- Make one annual request for group members to become AAoA members
Requirements to Become an AAoA Affiliate
(1) Be atheistic or secular (Humanist, skeptic or science oriented); and
(2) Operate in a legal and ethical manner; and
(3) Have a purpose consistent with the goals of AAoA; and
(4) Be chartered in and conduct most of your business in the United States of America; and
(5) Operate in a democratic manner; and
(6) Pay An annual fee of $499 (payment is due with the submission of the affiliate member application, renewals are due on the anniversary of your acceptance date).
Please note: Affiliates are independent non-profit organizations and are not subsidiaries, agents, employees, or legal representatives of AAoA. Affiliates do not have the authority to bind AAoA to any contractual obligations or otherwise act on behalf of AAoA. Affiliation creates no legal relationship. Affiliates are free to associate and engage with other organizations. Affiliates are not required to agree or support every position or action taken by the other.
Affiliation benefits and requirements are subject to change and may change without notice.
Associate Member Benefits
Educational Benefits
- Consultation assistance with AAoA officers/board members/affiliates to solve concerns your organization may be having
- Consultation assistance regarding social media/Facebook advocacy
- Membership in AAoA Facebook group / pages
Advocacy / Community Building / Group promotion
- Free e-zine subscription to archived versions of Secular Nation magazine
- Promotion of group’s activities through AAoA’s social media / Facebook pages/groups and email lists
- You will be supporting AAoA’s national advocacy efforts
- Access to AAoA speakers, committee members, advisers, key contributors, and affiliates
- Participation in affiliate meetings
- You/your organization will be eligible to co-brand with the Atheist Alliance of America/or come directly under the AAoA banner
- Eligibility to run a or participate in an AAoA department/committee
- Fundraising opportunities afforded to committees
- Eligibility to serve on Board of Committees
- Other
- Discounts for AAoA services and products (where applicable)
What AAoA Asks of Its Associates
- Link to us on affiliate’s website and/or social media
- Cross-share memes and social media/facebook posts
- Have AAoA’s literature available at meetings or tabling opportunities (if requested by AAoA)
- Share/promote AAoA’s events (eg. conference) to group’s members
- Make one annual request for group members to become AAoA members
Requirements to Become an AAoA Associate
(1) Be atheistic or secular (Humanist, skeptic or science oriented); and
(2) Operate in a legal and ethical manner; and
(3) Have a purpose consistent with the goals of AAoA; and
(4) Be chartered in and conduct most of your business in the United States of America; and
(5) Operate in a democratic manner; and
(6) Pay An annual fee of $299 (payment is due with the submission of the affiliate member application, renewals are due on the anniversary of your acceptance date).
Please note: Affiliates are independent non-profit organizations and are not subsidiaries, agents, employees, or legal representatives of AAoA. Affiliates do not have the authority to bind AAoA to any contractual obligations or otherwise act on behalf of AAoA. Affiliation creates no legal relationship. Affiliates are free to associate and engage with other organizations. Affiliates are not required to agree or support every position or action taken by the other.
Affiliation benefits and requirements are subject to change and may change without notice.
Select a Membership Level
Includes all benefits mentioned above for your organization. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
$499 | Affiliate Membership Includes all benefits mentioned above for your organization. | |
$299 | Associate Membership Includes all benefits mentioned above for your organization. |