Atheist Alliance Helping The Homeless Saint Louis
Next giveaway: March 11, 2018
February 18, 2018
This month we held our giveaway on the north side of Biddle House Shelter and Opportunity Center. The location was great, putting us right where the people are. We helped around 70 people today with 13 volunteers. Many thanks to everyone who showed up or contributed supplies. Great work everyone!
Please consider joining us for our next giveaway will be Sunday, March 11, on the north side of Biddle House (13th and Tucker) from 1-2:30 PM.
You can also donate through our Amazon wishlist ( ) or by sending us a message.
Thanks again, everyone.
About us:
We were founded in July, 2016. In total, we have about 30 volunteers.
The amount of people we help: Varies. At a minimum we will help 40 people, at a maximum we have helped as many as 80 people (so far).
The Helping the Homeless Committee Needs Your Help!!!
Volunteer for AAHH: We usually have our giveaways on the second Sunday of each month. We are flexible with that, depending on schedules and weather.
Please Donate Items: We do monthly giveaways and that requires a lot of donations. You can help by following the link on this page to our Amazon page. Things you buy there will be shipped directly to us. Local residents can arrange a pickup by sending a message to our Facebook page.
Items we give out:
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, q-tips, soaps, lotion, shampoos, razors, shaving cream, flashlights, hand sanitizer, foot and body powder, rain jackets, snack items, clothes, jackets, flip flops, chapstick, antibiotic, emergency solar blankets, umbrellas, condoms, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, water, insect repellent, sunscreen lotion, laundry detergent, mouthwash, fresh fruit, granola bars, peanuts, peanut butter, water, sports drinks, cat food, dog food and many more. We also serve hot chocolate and coffee in the winter and sodas in the summer.
Donations: Please help us purchase the items mentioned above or, if you would rather, please consider a monetary donation.