Winter 2015 Secular Nation is here and Spring 2016 is on its way!!!!
The 2015 Winter edition of Secular Nation, the quarterly magazine of Atheist Alliance of America, is still available in print or emagazine. Our central focus for this issue is the intersection of race, religion, and rationality.
In the 2016 Spring edition of Secular Nation, we will focus on the upcoming Reason Rally with interviews with David Silverman and more, a look back at the 2012 Reason Rally including interviews from attendees, what to expect this year, speakers, lodging, transportation and more!! We also will be celebrating Darwin Day and visiting the Iowa GOP debates! Look for it in April 2016!
Secular Nation is currently delivered as a annual print or electronic subscription to our members. Members also have access to our magazine archive, giving them exclusive access to past issues of Secular Nation dating back to 2013. Not a member? We can fix that! Click here to become a member of and show your support for Atheist Alliance of America.
Electronic issues may also be purchased individually for $2.99 each.

[paypal_for_digital_goods item=”Secular Nation Winter 2015″ price=”2.99″ url=”http://atheistallianceamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Secular_Nation_Winter2015_compressed.pdf” button_text=”Buy Winter 2015 Electronic Secular Nation”]

[paypal_for_digital_goods item=”Secular Nation Fall 2014″ price=”2.99″ url=”http://atheistallianceamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Secular_Nation_Fall_comprressed.pdf” button_text=”Buy Fall 2014 Electronic Secular Nation”]

[paypal_for_digital_goods item=”Secular Nation Summer 2014″ price=”2.99″ url=”http://atheistallianceamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Secular_Nation_2014_July_compressed.pdf” button_text=”Buy Summer 2014 Electronic Secular Nation”]